I'm still here, shooting, studying, working, learning.. no free time, or not enough to take care of this little corner as I would like to do, but today it is a pretty nice day to give some minutes to my blog. I think I'm gonna use this pages to post and talk about my photos, just about now there's nothing else has much more importance in my life. In these months I've learned that if you have a real, solid, strong passion and goals, nothing can tear us apart, so I put myself completely into my job and what I love more. These are some photos from my mid term project.
Valentina was a perfect and beautiful model.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Dall'Italia con amore

Dopo 2 settimane sono di nuovo sola, nella mia casa, sul mio divano, che fisso il nulla.
Stamattina alle 5 ho accompagnato mio fratello all'aeroporto, vederlo tornare a casa, dopo la bellissima vacanza trascorsa assieme è stato davvero difficile, ma almeno sono stata brava nel non scoppiare a piangere davanti a lui, le ho riservate tutte al tassinaro che mi riportava a casa, facendomi mille domande (malefico vizio degli americani).
Cosa volete che vi dica.. stare con Leo è stato favoloso, anzi di più! Tra l'altro è stato qui con noi anche mio cugino e tutti insieme siamo andati a Vegas, paura e delirio! Non mi divertivo così tanto da troppo tempo, quel divertimento sano e genuino con le persone che ami e che davvero ti conoscono. Una cosa che mi mancava troppo.
Nella mia vita ultimamente ci sono state parecchie novità, prima su tutte circa un mese fa è arrivato nella Zombie House Chucky, un piccolo e meraviglioso gattino, preso al gattile di SF, era una vita che aspettavo di avere un micetto fusoso tutto mio e finalmente ho fatto questo grande passo, inutile dire che dopo pochi giorni, tra coccole, fusa, graffietti e morsi, ne ero già totalmente innamorata! (se vi state chiedendo se il nome è riferito a Chucky la bambola, la risposta è ebbene si :) e credo che non avrei potuto trovare nome più azzeccato visto che penso che il mio gattino sia psicopatico!)
L'amore che ti dà un animale è pazzesco, sarà banale da dire, ma loro sono moooolto meglio di noi.
Tornando a mio fratello e mio cugino, appena arrivati a SF mi hanno resa la donna più felice del mondo, non solo per la loro presenza, ma per avermi portato una quantità esagerata di regali: 2 pacchi di Pan di Stelle, una cosa che gli americani non si sognano nemmeno (almeno qui sulla West Coast), 2 pacchi di Pangoccioli (Mulino Bianco ti amo), 2 pezzi giganteschi di Parmigiano Reggiano, Leo personalmente poi mi ha regalato 2 libri, e mio padre mi ha mandato la sua meravigliosa Polaroid, tenuta in perfette condizioni pur avendo circa 30 anni...
Sono queste le piccole cose che mi fanno sentire ancora fiera di essere italiana, quei piccoli piaceri della nostra tradizione che mi tengono così legata e mi faranno sempre pensare di essere fortunata ad essere cresciuta in quella parte del mondo; e solo vivendo all'estero ci si rende conto quanto abbiamo e quanto sprechiamo, maltrattiamo e invece dovremmo esserne fieri e trattare un pò meglio le cose meravigliose che fanno parte della nostra tradizione.
E con questa botta di campanilismo e patriottismo scappo a vedere un nuovo episodio di The Walking Dead, mi godo il mio giorno off, cerco di non pensare che chissà quanti mesi passeranno prima che possa rivedere Leo, faccio la lotta con Chucky (il quale mi morde il braccio proprio mentre scrivo), e più tardi, colore ai capelli.. ho promesso a mio fratello che lo faccio felice :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Kids? ... NO thanks.
Hola everyone, it's been a while, hope y'all are fine and enjoying the summer... or if you live in SF I'm sorry because we have no summer and we are not suppose to enjoy anything ( of course if you like cold, wind and fog, you are in the right place in the right moment)...
I have been pretty busy with my new job which I like, finally I'm getting closer to my coworkers, of course they're not Nicole but she was much more than just a coworker, of course the cook is not MY cook, but it's fine, changing is good and everything seems to be ok.
I was thinking to write this post about a topic I really want to talk about: having a baby, kids, children.. figli..
Ok, first of all, just to be clear, I'm not pregnant!
then we can keep talking.. I was noticing how a lot of my friends, a lot!!!!, from the high school, just people I met long time ago, but part of my generation, is getting married and/or is having kids...one, or two... jeez!!!!!
But guys, friends, are you ready, for real, to have that kind of life? Is it your job and financial situation that good to let you have multiple kids around? to create a family?
WOW so I'm thinking now, it's bullshit when I read that in Italy there is no job, no money, etc etc... I still remember when my mom had my brother, she was spending sooooo much for everything!!! Diapers, milk, specific food, specific soap, medicine, doctors, stroller, car seat, clothes etc etc etc etc.......
Let's say this, I'm not a big fan of kids, I like 'em for 10 mins, then when they start crying or yelling or whatever things related to their world, I'd like to choke 'em :) .. ok I'm not that mean, but seriously I don't see myself with a kid, I can't even think of myself with a "little monster" in my arms, and it's weird to say I'm really good with them, I was a great baby sitter when I was in Italy, for a lots of my little cousins, for the two kids of my friend Wanda, but NO NO NO I don't feel that damn desire to be a mom!
I have no time to take care of my stuff, my life is so messy, I'm still studying, I have a crazy schedule at work, I don't even know where I'm going to spend my life, seriously I don't know if my life is going to be here, back in Italy or somewhere else, I know for sure that I want to travel, I hope my job is going to help me out to do this, but NO again I have tons of projects and have a baby is not one of them..
Some of my friends told me I'm cynic and cold, that I won't never be a woman if I won't be a mom, that I won't never be complete, and my face was WHAT??? WTF!!!! I won't be a woman without a yelling kid around??? well this is not my idea!! I think I'm a great woman, I'm a hard worker, I know what means the word SACRIFICE and I'm breaking my back to accomplice my goals, I have a man I love, and he loves me too, I think I make him happy, I think I could be an amazing soulmate, but I just don't want have kids... am I so weird? am I not a real woman for that?
Well, I'm so glad we are allowed to have different opinions, maybe one day I'm going to change my mind, maybe one day I'm going to be happy and ready for a family.. but now let me tell you, FUCK NO!!!!!!
Now you are the weird one for me and it won't make me feel bad if you think I am the monster.
With love,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Pretty in Pink
Pink is the color of passion, yeah!!!
An amazing song by the Aerosmith used to say that and I believe is true, with my new style I feel so HOT!!!!
Yeah and I'm not even close to be crazy (I'm mean, just a little bit) but it's incredible how just a color can range my mood, my new hair makes me feels sooo good!!!!
I did my hair pink because I wanted to celebrate my finals, yes I'm finally done with them and now I'm in vacation. V A C A T I O N!!!! this word sounds so sweet :))))
My finals were very good, sometimes I can't believe myself how I can be productive when I'm under pressure, also I got the compliments from my quality of light teacher for my photos and the whole semester and his words were better than all the A+ I can get in my entire carrier.
Now, I'm trying to sleep a little, trying to eat a little more, trying to take my life back, but I won't take any vacation from my camera, and actually I'm about to go shooting right now for a friend's bday party, I hope to do not fall asleep while I'm shooting..
Other big news, I may have a new job.... but but but I will talk about it when I'm 100% sure :)
P.S. I'm gonna write soon a new post all about the Google scholarship I won, it deserves an entire post :P
Sunday, April 29, 2012
sassolini nella scarpa...
Just because I'm a nice and kind person I'm gonna tell you that this post is gonna be in italian, yes today I'm lazy and I don't wanna think and write in another language so, take google translate, or your fucking Rosetta Stone and start reading..... otherwise see ya in another
Oggi mi sento che devo scrivere in italiano, quindi vaffanculo all'inglese e a chi non capirà cosa sto scrivendo...
Purtroppo non riesco a star dietro al mio blog, faccio schifo lo aggiorno una volta al mese, ma la mia vita non mi permette tempo da dedicare a nulla, manco a me stessa.
Ok la smetto di lamentarmi che tanto non frega una figa secca a nessuno se mi piango addosso.
Si quella nella foto sono io, non un gallo da combattimento :) dopo 2 anni di non tinte ho deciso che era ora di cambiare colore e mi sono fatta un rosso/fuxia che non impegna affatto... una cosa sobria che non dà nell'occhio... ma prende a pugni gli occhi!
La decisione è arrivata non di corsa ma la ponderavo, la spinta finale l'ha data la mia decisione di mandare a fanculo il lavoro!!!! ebbene si! dopo l'ultima discussione arrivata a toccare la mia vita personale, i miei cazzetti privati, dopo le ultime parole dette da una persona che non è manco degna di leccarmi il sedere dopo una scarica di diarrea, ho preso le mie cosine e ho tirato un bel dito medio. la sensazione è stata incazzata come un lupo, delusa per il culo che mi sono fatta in questi anni per qualcuno che meritava solo calci nelle balle, e godimento puro.
Quindi ora sono ufficialmente una disoccupata, e si è troppo strano, ho tempo libero. Poco ma ne ho. Ho deciso che mi faccio un mese di disintossicazione dallo stress accumulato e poi dio provvede, sto studiando come una pazza in previsione degli esami finali, ho mille progetti da preparare e il tempo per la mia scuola è il più prezioso e ben investito. Sto lavorando tantissimo in studio ed è la cosa più bella del mondo, il livello di piacere che si sprigiona durante i miei fotoset in studio è pazzesco!
Per il resto va tutto nella norma, cioè tra i mille casini lo metto sempre nelle ciap a tutti perché ho più palle io di un campo da golf... e si mi amo, mi stimo, per quanto la sfiga ci provi sempre io sono più forte, per quanto la merda cerchi sempre di calpestarmi io la schivo, o al massimo se mi sporca un po' so che basta una doccia bollente e tutto torna pulito.
Vi fotterà.
e allora ci sarà da ridere....
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Distance is the answer of everything
I was supposed to get up from my bed, take a quick shower and jump on the bus to go at Ile's house, a lasagna was waiting for me... but the whether outside didn't' help at all my laziness. Guess?! yes it's raining again... So I decided to stay home, clean a little bit the mess I have in my house, write a new post after ages on my blog, take a looooong and hot shower and then get ready to work (I fucking hate that restaurant!!!!!)
In these week I've been incredibly busy, I did all my mid terms (and YES I passed them), I'm also spending a lot of time in studio, and this is amazing, you have no idea what means for a photography student to shoot in studio, working with models, and light, creating sets and having fun... I could do it all day, every day. I'm learning a lot and this is the most important thing, I'm very happy of my Quality of Light class, my teacher is a great photographer and even thought we have always so many homework to do I feel I'm learning, which is fantastic!
These are some on my first studio shots, I know I have a lot to learn but you have no idea how they make me happy :)
In these week I've been incredibly busy, I did all my mid terms (and YES I passed them), I'm also spending a lot of time in studio, and this is amazing, you have no idea what means for a photography student to shoot in studio, working with models, and light, creating sets and having fun... I could do it all day, every day. I'm learning a lot and this is the most important thing, I'm very happy of my Quality of Light class, my teacher is a great photographer and even thought we have always so many homework to do I feel I'm learning, which is fantastic!
These are some on my first studio shots, I know I have a lot to learn but you have no idea how they make me happy :)
Even if they look very simple photos behind them there are hours of work and setting, studio shooting is a long and hard process, but the satisfaction, even for simple portraits like those two, is unbelievable!!!
But... but .. but... this time I should say that photography and photos now are a huge part of my happiness but not the only one... finally after months and months of pieces of shit I think I found somebody special...
He's pure concentrate of kindness, sweetness and simplicity.
He is that guy I've never thought I could stay with. We basically are the opposite, we like completely different things, we have different taste in almost everything, but his kindness left me speechless; he's a man from another time, he is a gentleman... something I thought it was impossible to find... but after a long and hard research, I made it... and yes he deserves all my honey and rainbow words :)
shit I'm kinda h...y (I won't say that work :P but I feel it!!!)
Friday, March 2, 2012
The color of passion
I would like to use this post to talk about all the news I have in my life, about him, J, maybe the biggest news, but I think he's only for me, he's the sweetest part of my life and I'm so jealous that I wanna keep it only for me.
I'll tell you only that it's been 4 months and he makes me happy.
He's so different, different form every body I've ever liked in my life, from me, from everything it was common, and this huge difference scares me but at the same time it makes me so happy I can't almost believe it :) ... I'm smiling!!!!
The photo above is part of his face :) and every time I look at it I stop 5 seconds to think about WHY MEN NEED SO LONG EYELASHES??? this is so unfair!!!!
He's pure.
Like a Snake
The second photo is part of my thigh tattoo... now it's healing and in 2 weeks I'm gonna do the last session, I CAN'T WAIT!
Ready for more photos, and video?
I wanna create a set for my last tattoo session :) Juan is gonna love me (or kill me?!)
Now I should get ready to work.. damn I'm so lazy..
reverse lens,
Friday, February 3, 2012
Viva Las Vegas
Venice Beach - California
Here I am again. I've been pretty busy last month, I had a friend visiting from Italy and we spent so much time traveling and visiting San Francisco (it was his first time in US, pretty exciting). We went in Vegas and SoCal by car... a suicide! SF - Las Vegas by car is more than 10 hours, on a road that is desert only, straight for miles and miles, just desert and nothing else. At least Las Vegas was so much fun! I can't believe there is a city like Vegas, a huge Disneyworld for adults, a fake city where everything is possible, where there's no time (I didn't see a watch in any of the places I saw), shows every day, every time, colors, lights, music, money.. money.. money.. it was crazy and I can't wait to go back, next time with my girls, and my brother... I'm sure he's gonna go crazy over there :)
Then we went to LA... thank God, Vegas - LA is only 4 hours.
Every time I go to LA I remember how I love SF...
LA is a waist of time, don't go over there, never. There's nothing to see, nothing to do, it's just bad.
After you saw the Walk of Fame, literally is the Hollywood Blvd., a dirty street, full of nuts, sexy shops, whores, some Starbucks and souvenir store, the Hollywood sign, the Universal Studios, LA is over... is boring and nasty.
Much prettier is Santa Monica or Venice... I have to say that I enjoyed these two small city right next to LA, mostly I loved the weather. It was so hot, almost like summer.. something I won't never see in SF, damn!
But even though the weather was ugh much much better I still love my foggy city and I'm glad to be here again.
I'm also back to school again, and this time I wasn't ready. Seriously. I already know this semester is gonna be hard...
I'm glad I found somebody who's helping me to make my life better...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
News form 2012
First session thighs tattoo by Juan Puente @ BlackHeart Tattoo
2012 is started, and yes it's gonna be a very intense and busy year like the past 2011. A year of work, school, photos, passions, friends, love (I always hope in love.... hopeless :P)
This month started in a very good way, good money at work... yes they are always welcome...
A new tattoo (photo above!). I decided it was time for some more ink (my addiction is dangerous) so I started a new one on my thighs. This is a photo from the first session, I actually did the first one right before Christmas (it was my personal Christmas present awww), but it's gonna be a very long work, maybe next week I'm gonna do the second session. I won't tell you what is it...not yet, you will see the work in progress session by session, I'm also doing some videos of my sessions and I think I'm gonna put them all together to create a reportage of my new work. I chose Juan Puente for my legs, he's great.. no, more than great! You already saw many photos of Juan, but always during other people sessions, this time I wanted him all for me, and I'm absolutely happy, he's doing a fantastic job and I'm soooo proud of my new ink.
Another great news is that I'm about to have Mau, one of my best friends from Italy, here in SF!!! He's gonna come next week and you have no idea how I'm excited!!!!!!! He's gonna stay almost 2 weeks and we decided to do a road trip between SoCal: we're going to LA; Arizona to shoot in the Grand Canyon and then straight to Nevada: Las Vegas! CAN'T WAIT!!!! and my 5D Mark ii can't wait too :)
My winter break is almost over... I have 3 more weeks and then back to school for another extra heavy semester... I'm not ready yet, not ready at all... this year was hard and I really need a long vacation, far from everything... but it's not time yet, I'll have to wait for the summer...
Scared to go back to school, but happy at the same time...
3 more weeks of freedom...
I know already they will be too fast...
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