I'm done with today.
I'm done with that fake smile I need to have while I'm working.
I'm done with being nice and kind.
I'm done with that part of me I hate.
Tonight I was about to kill somebody. Why I can't kill stupid people? Why I can't clean the world?
I don't get it, I think we are too many here... why I can't move on another planet with no idiots around?
I'm so sick of my job. I'm not a waitress, I'm not a bartender. I'm not able to work with stupid and disrespectful people, I'm sick and tired of saying "yes" when I'd like to flip off my finger instead.
I'm so done.
One day everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna change. One day I'll be the way I am and I won't care about anybody else, or just the few people I want to care about. One day I'll be strong enough to say NO and give back all the shit I'm taking now....
But now I feel I'm struggling with the part of me who needs this compromise and the other part of me who'd like to give up.
One day I'm gonna find a way out.
I'm so done with everything today.
quanto capisco ogni singola parola. non ne hai idea.
Ci sono giorni mi cara Vale che mi chiedo chi cazzo me lo ha fatto fare, mi sento prigioniera di una vita che io ho creato... per fortuna poi passa... ma dentro c'è sempre quella maledetta mancanza....
io non sono nessuno per fare promesse, quindi non ne farò. eppure ho la sensazione che per quanto lunga e faticosa la transizione, arriva sempre il momento dove dici "cazzo, va bene, ne è valsa tutta la fatica". ma un giorno parleremo a lungo di cosa intendi con "mancanza", perché mi piacerebbe ascoltarti.
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