Saturday, June 4, 2011


The summer is coming in San Francisco...
it's rainy, cold, kinda foggy and horrible!!!! After one year and 6 months I'm still complaining about this crappy weather, this morning i was talking to my brother and he was just back from the sea... you don't even know how i hated him at that moment.. i miss the sea so bad, and i'm super mad cause i have the sea a few blocks from my house, but here it's too cold so it's useless!!!
well.. I have some news!
First of all i finally had all my grades.... and YES i made it!!! I passed all my classes for this first semester and i'm more than happy, i had pretty good grades also, i feel proud of me, it's one of the best feelings i've ever had and it's just the beginning!
Now I'm relaxing a little, sleeping and chilling, after a big trauma cause the end of LOST i found a new tv show to watch, Grey's Anatomy... of course is not LOST, i still believe it's the only tv show that matters, but Grey's Anatomy is nice too and is good for my english, that i hope it's getting better...
Life without classes is weird, i have to much time now, so another thing i did it was fixing my room, i put some of my pics and i'm trying to turn my room into a gallery, it's gonna be perfect for me.
After that son of a bitch stole my purse I had to do a new ID... and yes I applied for the California ID, now i'm just waiting, it will be so weird seeing my face on an american ID.. i'm gonna miss my italian one but things keep changing...

Stupid question... have you ever listened a song 200 times and never get tired of it? well to me it happens all the times, the song of the moment is Judas, by Lady Gaga, my woman... i leave you the video bellow it's so cool...
Have a great week end everybody!


P.S. New header, hope you like it, it's a photo of SF took it from Sausalito. peace.


Mia Dido said...

Vero questa canzone non stanca mai ò_ò e poi il balletto lo trovo fantastico *-*

Saluti dall'Italia ;D

Paul said...

Sono contento che le cose ti vadano alla grande. Ultimamente non sono tante le persone che sento che alla domanda "Come va?" rispondono "Bene" senza esitare. ^^
E ovviamente, complimenti per aver passato tutti i tuoi esami!

eka said...

Il nuovo header è favoloso!!! Toy camera o post produzione a manetta?

Unknown said...

grazie :)
beh Paul, dire che sto bene al 100% è una parola grande, però sono estremamente soddisfatta di quello che sto facendo e la grande considera<ione che ora ho di me mi aiuta a dare meno importanza a chi non ne merita e a riprendermi prima dalle delusioni... ego esagerato? forse si :) ma è da paura!

Eka: è una foto + una texture :) bello l'effetto vero?

Vale said...

scenderà pure la nebbia, ma per trovare il sole a san francisco a volte bastano 30 min di macchina, no?

grandissima per i tuoi esami! very proud of u!

PS e che te lo dico a fare che amo l'header?!


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